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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Barb of the Week

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE is great again!

Is it having been overseas for so long, the ebullience of the aftermath of a multiply victorious election day, or is this show, long a moldy self-parody of a topical parody, really sparkling again? Oh yeah. I couldn't tell you the names of any of the ensemble, they are younger than my own kid, but the writing is sharp as a scalpel and as delectably vicious as any from its initial heyday decades ago. Sample lines from Weekend Update:

Tomorrow is Veterans Day [sarcastic pause] which doesn't affect anyone in the White House.

And the barb of the week:

This week, in an ironic turnround Iraq brought about regime change in America.

It took almost 4 months for culture shock to catch up with me, but wow. I do miss China sometimes (and plan to return) but I'm so glad to be back in the U.S.A.! It's not so hard to be an American anymore. This place went to the dawgs when I got out of Dodge, but now it seems bound for glory once more. (Fortuitous coincidence or what? Hmm.)

Houston, we have re-entry!

// posted by Ellen @  13:30   //Permalink// 
Ellen says hey
Mainer, New Yawka, Beijinger, Californian, points between. News, views and ballyhoos that piqued my interest and caused me to sigh, cry, chuckle, groan or throw something.

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