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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

White Christmas not a dream in Beijing

Now if only there were a fireplace, family, a gingerbread house...

But the snow is lovely, sifting down to frost the huge pines outside my window. Already the students have built 2 huge snowmen, says Joseph, who went out this morning. Me, I'm still in my jammies and memories of home.

December 22, 2004 Beijing weather report:

Chinese soldiers remove snow at Tiananmen Square in China's capital Beijing after the city was hit by a heavy snowstorm December 22, 2004. REUTERS/Reinhard Krause

// posted by Ellen @  22:46   //Permalink// 
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Mainer, New Yawka, Beijinger, Californian, points between. News, views and ballyhoos that piqued my interest and caused me to sigh, cry, chuckle, groan or throw something.

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